Más Mexicana Cada Día

Más Mexicana Cada Día

When you live in another country, after a time, you find yourself slowly assimilating to the customs and typical behavior in that country. This is perfectly normal as a means of survival and also as a means of expanding who you are–which is one of the best benefits of being an expat.  It’s only weird, if you stop to think about it. So, that’s what I did…

Más Mexicana Cada Día (More Mexican Every Day)
-My sugar bowl is filled with Knorr Suiza Caldo de Pollo, not sugar
-I am genuinely and pleasantly surprised when there is not an accident or broken down car that has caused a back up in traffic, when on my way somewhere
-I know where the potholes that are big enough to swallow my car are located
-I am grateful everyday that the hot water heater is working
-I wear a jacket inside my house in the winter
-I am not at all surprised to see pedestrians crossing the highway nor am I surprised to see people on bicycles on the highway
-I wore a dress (and heels!) to a kids birthday party
-I arrived 30 minutes late to an event that I planned
-I cut off a bus
-I drank wine in the park with a friend while our kids were playing
-I scraped mirrors with the car next to me and ignored the driver as she yelled at me—didn’t even flinch
-I wore a necklace to the pool
-I left the baby with the nanny and went to coffee with my friends–for over 2 hours!
-I turned left from the right hand lane
-I flagged down the bottled water guy in the street and had him come to my house to deliver water
-I went to the pool with my kids and didn’t get in the water
-I started eating salsa and chilaquiles
-I decided that raw vegetables really do taste better with lime and Tajin chile powder on them
-I went to the gym with eye make up on
-I buy bread from a guy who sells it out of the back of a truck outside my neighborhood
-I know that the fresh warm tortillas are kept in a beer cooler in the bakery section of the grocery store and you serve yourself
-I know where the unpainted speed bumps are
-I tip the “viene, viene” guys who tell me when it’s ok to pull my car out of my parking space, even if there’s no on else in the parking lot
-I honked my horn when the light turned green and the person in front of me didn’t go immediately
-I had a party and didn’t care about how loud the music was or that the cops might come and tell us to turn it down
-I listened to “Banda” and liked it
-I watched the U.S. News and thought, “Crazy Gringos”

Más Mexicana Cada Día…

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6 responses to “Más Mexicana Cada Día”

  1. Hahaha! I thought those are all normal happenings! Perhaps living overseas has numbed me from the out of the ordinary:)

  2. I love this Terrill. I think they are all true (& funny) but if forced to choose a favorite it would be “I arrived 30 minutes late to an event that I planned”.

  3. I’m having some serious flashbacks now….. Pepe knew it was happening to me when he saw me curse at another driver in Spanish… And then another time in an airport in the US, he saw me whip some spicy Mexican candy out of my purse. (When we first started dating, he gave me some to try and I almost spit it out.). You gave me smiles today. 🙂

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