Dear dear maid,

Dear Maid,

I appreciate all that you do and am fully aware that you are a luxury I could never afford in the states. I am very grateful for everything that you do for us and could never thank you enough for the many things you do every day to make my life here run smoothly and give me some time to myself to follow my interests and many pursuits and to feel human, but…

-Please let me know before the morning that “there is no coffee” that we need coffee.

-Please don’t give my kid brownies for breakfast. You know we will all regret the inevitable sugar high that will follow.

-Please don’t tell me that something is “no picante” when I can obviously see serano chiles in it (I’m onto you!).

-Please don’t eat all but 1 in a package of Penguinos/cookies/candy bars and think that I will not notice.

-Please don’t correct my pronunciation of English words that have been changed to sound Spanish  (Ex: pancakes/”panque” and ride/”ry”).

-Please don’t hide candy wrappers in the laundry room drawers. Just eat your candy out in the open. I don’t care if you eat candy–it’s not a sin!

-Please don’t tell me that the reason my baby has hiccups is because her diaper is wet. She has hiccups because you tickled her for like 5 mins straight.

-Please don’t tell me that the reason my baby woke up suddenly out of her sleep is because she was startled when she saw “la bruja” because she is not baptized.

Thank you very much!
The Señora (Teyiii)
(My name is unpronounceable here.)

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