If you are coming to visit me, please bring Tucks pads…

O.K., I should probably clarify, I wrote this after I’d had my 2nd baby…LOL

A musing on things I miss from The States:
-Ivory soap (have used it my whole life, but apparently Dove has the market cornered here)
-dried mustard for fettuccine
-Oatmeal Raisin Crisp cereal
-Nestle chocolate chips
-any “he” detergent other than Tide
-York Peppermint Patties
-inflated cereal for babies
-64 oz size Gatorade (they only sell very small bottles of it here)
-normal size juice boxes (they only sell the toddler size ones here

There is a place where I can go to get many of the items, “Aladino’s,” where things appear, as if by magic. But, just as easily as Aladino’s can make things appear, they can make the money from your wallet disappear quite quickly, with items almost costing 3 times as much there.  I once actually paid $7 US for a box of Poptarts for my daughter–I was desperate.

I’m whining, I know.  There are actually so many more items available here now than there were when we lived in Mexico almost 20 years ago–goat cheese, fresh mozzarella cheese, rice milk…plain M&M’s.  There is actually candy at the check out at the grocery store here now–not so almost 20 years ago.

To be fair, here is a list of things I miss from Mexico when I go back to The States (and yes, this list is longer):
-REAL Mexican food–I’m always amazed in The States how packed Mexican restaurants are on weekend nights.  Most Mexican restaurants in the states are not very good–they are a poor representation of the wonderful food that is Mexican cuisine. Imagine if those customers tasted the real thing. These are just a few of the things I miss when I’m not in Mexico
-horchata (a rice drink with cinnamon)
-limon Fritos
-cacahuates japoneses (peanuts with a crunchy outer shell)
-Penguinos (chocolate cupcakes)
-Yoplait Plain Yogurt– I know, they have it in The States–don’t ask me why, but it’s different here and soooo much better
-cajeta (caramel made with goat’s milk)
-jamaica (hibiscus flower) flavored popsicles
-Bubu Lubus (chocolate covered marshmallows with a raspberry jelly)
-sangria flavored soda
-grapefruit flavored soda
-mango juice
-jalapeño flavored potato chips
-tacos al pastor (marinated and roasted pork tacos with pineapple)
-chocolatines made with Mexican chocolate (small choc croissants)
-cafe de ollo (coffee with cinnamon)
-Ibarra chocolate (chocolate, with cinnamon–yum!)

The bad thing about living in different countries is craving stuff that you can ONLY get in that country.  It’s pure torture, I tell you! LOL


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One response to “If you are coming to visit me, please bring Tucks pads…”

  1. I’m the same about food back home but luckily I can get lots of it here especially cadburys milk chocolate and salt and vinegar crisps!

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